About Us
Since its inception, County Bank’s primary mission has been to serve the banking needs of southern Delaware, and this continues to be the driving force behind the bank today. High quality customer service is the true mission of the bank. Our products are designed to meet the needs of our customers and our employees are hired to provide friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient service. County Bank has built a reputation of outstanding service to our customers and our communities. This reputation has helped the bank acquire a significant share of the local market. County Bank is an independent bank and fully intends to remain independent.
We are a locally-owned independent bank serving southern Delaware since 1990. Our employees all live, work, and play here. We know our neighbors and help them as we all try to make this community a great place to live. We are members of the local churches, chambers of commerce, civic organizations, and little leagues. We participate in the local schools, parades, highway clean-ups, and local charities. These are all elements that contribute to making a strong community. At County Bank, we lend to local businesses and residents. We consider it a privilege to work with you and look forward to helping you to meet your financial needs in the future.
County Bank was chartered in 1990 and opened its doors for business July 9, 1990. This full service branch located at 19927 Shuttle Road, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware also serves as the corporate headquarters for the Bank.
On July 15, 1991, County Bank opened a full service branch at 25933 School Lane, Millsboro, Delaware. This branch is located in one of the most rapidly growing retirement areas in Sussex County.
On July 5, 1994, County Bank opened a full service branch at 100 East Masten Circle, Milford, Delaware. Milford is located in two counties giving us a presence in Kent County as well as Sussex County.
On July 23, 1999, County Bank opened a full service branch at 36754 Old Mill Road, Millville, Delaware. This branch gives us a presence in the south-eastern part of the county.
On September 24, 1999, County Bank opened a full service branch at 13 N. Bedford Street, Georgetown, Delaware giving us a presence in the center of the county.
On September 18, 2002, County Bank opened a full service branch at 1609 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware.
On December 9, 2004, County Bank opened a full service branch at 140 Broadkill Road, Milton, Delaware in order to give County Bank more presence in Sussex County.
County Bank’s success clearly demonstrates how much we have achieved since our beginning. We are deeply grateful to our employees and Board of Directors for their unfailing and dedicated service. Equally important, we are most grateful for the loyalty and confidence that our customers and shareholders continually give in support of our independent community bank.