Stop Payment Disclosure
Use the Stop Payment Order form to request a Stop Payment on checks you have written. This form is NOT available to cancel transfers between accounts and/or any electronic bill payments. Stop payment fees are assessed for each check as published in our current Fee Schedule.
You direct County Bank (‘we’,’our’, or ‘us’) to comply with this Stop Payment Order. The Stop Payment Order will not be effective until County Bank has received complete and accurate information necessary to identify the check and has a reasonable opportunity to process the request. If one of our banking locations has already cashed the check or charged your account, your Stop Payment Order cannot be honored. We assume no responsibility for honoring this Stop Payment Order if the description of the item that you provided us is inaccurate or incomplete, if the check number is wrong, the dollar amount is off by even a penny, or if you purchase your checks from a vendor not used or approved by us, our processing equipment may not catch the item in time. You will not hold us responsible if that happens.
You agree to hold us harmless from all costs and expenses we incur, including attorney's fees for consultation, at trial, and any appeals due to our refusal to pay the item. You agree not to hold us liable if the item is paid contrary to this Order and the payment is due to incorrect information you supplied.
This Stop Payment Order remains in effect for six months from the date it is requested and will automatically terminate six months from this date unless renewed in writing.
You must inform us of the exact amount of the item, the exact number of the check, the exact number of the account, and any other information we may require including the payee. If you do not give us the correct information, we may not be able to enforce the Stop Payment Order. We will not be responsible if you do not describe the check accurately. You may withdraw this order only in writing or in person at one of our branch offices.
You agree to the above terms and conditions and authorize the assessment of the applicable stop payment fee to the account affected by the Stop Payment Order. You also certify that you are an authorized signer on the account affected by the Stop Payment Order.